The roof is one of the most important components of a home. When it is in good condition, it can protect against rain, wind and pest damage, and it can also help to regulate the temperature inside of the home. However, like any other item within your home, it will need to be replaced every so often.

Useful Life Is Based on Materials Used

Ideally, you won’t have to replace a roof until it reaches the end of its useful life. Asphalt shingles typically last for about 20 years before they need to be replaced. However, a metal roof can last for 30 to 50 years if installed properly, while clay tiles and cedar shakes may also have an extended useful life.

Factors That Can Reduce a Roof’s Useful Life

Of course, there are a number of reasons why your roof won’t last for as long as it should. For instance, if a shingle roof isn’t installed properly, it’s possible that shingles might fly away or suffer other types of damage. If the materials used are defective, this may also mean that the roof has to be replaced sooner than expected. Furthermore, you must maintain the roof properly to get the most from it, and you also have to assume that it won’t be the victim of a severe weather event.

Signs That Your Roof Needs to Be Replaced

The fact that your roof has been on your home for two decades or more is an obvious sign that you might want to schedule a roof inspection. However, you may have a more immediate need to replace the roof if you notice that a significant number of shingles are missing or that stains have appeared on the ceiling inside your home. These are both signs that your roof could be experiencing water damage.

If shingles or other materials have recently fallen off of the roof, it can leave underlayment exposed to damage that may impact the rest of your house. In some cases, water damage can make your home vulnerable to a pest infestation as the roof will be easier to eat through. Ultimately, this means that there is an entry point to get into other areas of the home. You’ll also want to move quickly if a tree has fallen through the roof or there is otherwise a large hole that needs to be closed as quickly as possible.

A Repair Job Could Turn Into a Replacement Job

In some cases, a minor issue could spiral into a larger one if you don’t take action quickly enough. For instance, if there are only a few missing shingles on your roof, it may be possible to simply take care of the issue without replacing the entire structure. However, if you ignore the issue, it can evolve into a problem that may necessitate a full replacement.

What to Consider When Replacing Your Roof

No matter how well you take care of the roof on your Shelbyville, IN home, it will eventually become necessary to replace it. When that time comes, there are many variables that you will need to think about to ensure that the job is done in a timely, effective and affordable manner.

For instance, if you already have more than one layer of shingles on your roof, the existing layers may need to be removed before another can be put on. If you want to convert to a metal roof, your house may need to be renovated to ensure that it can handle the extra weight.

In most cases, a full roof inspection will be completed prior to any work being done on your home. This will help to ensure that there aren’t any leaks or other issues that need to be addressed along with the shingles or tiles themselves. An inspection may also help you uncover secondary water or pest issues that might be remedied before they spiral too far out of control.

If you are in need of roof replacement services, don’t hesitate to give our team at Nationwide Contracting, LLC a call today! In addition to roof replacement, we can help inspect or install new gutters to ensure that water is able to drain away from your property. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will flow back under shingles or flow directly toward the home’s foundation.

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